Feminism: You’re Doing it Wrong.

Teller of Tales
5 min readFeb 20, 2019

In this day and age, the beauty, power, and true meaning of feminism is lost. I for one, do not put that “feminist” label on myself because of it’s many misconceptions these days. I am, however, a feminist by default. I believe that women should AND WILL have the same opportunities as anyone out there. But, It’s like being a feminist is suddenly a trend and people seem to have forgotten what it’s really about. You can’t be a feminist if you drag men down and stomp over their heads to reach the top of the ladder. Here’s the sitch:

Feminism is about gender #equality. Women empowerment in ways that will string us up to the level of men, to be equal to them in every way. Not to knock them out of their place. If you’re a man or a woman, or whatever you identify yourself as, reading this article then everything on here applies to you. Anyone can be a feminist.

First thing’s first: Never interrupt a woman (or anyone). Firstly, because it’s fucking rude. But also, studies show that people (of all genders) are prone to interrupt a woman while she’s speaking, rather than interrupt a man. Weird, huh? So, quit it.

Support all women. Women have a tendency to compete against each other and always see each other as threats or competitors rather than allies. The feminist movement will stay nailed to the ground and won’t progress if that continues. Women need to come up together and rise, and men should support that as well. Don’t be surprised at a gal’s success. Rather than doing that, support it, criticize (positively), and help anyway you can.

Men always seem to have each other’s back. Starting off at the playground all the way to becoming business partners. But women don’t have that tendency. And I think that’s the key to success: support. Studies show men can keep friendships longer than women can because of this jealous/competitive nature. Fight it.

This one’s important: Include all women. The problem with today’s view on feminism is that it seems to have this aggressive strict code for being a feminist. INTERSECTIONALITY:

It means: the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.

Basically, we all experience feminism differently. We all experience womanhood differently. Whether it be a muslim woman, christian woman, lesbian woman. poor, rich, latin, arab, american…etc. Muslim women were practically shunned by feminists because some people (mistakenly) believe that the Islamic faith is misogynistic, and she who follows it cannot be a feminist. Or, stay at home wives cannot be feminists. Or, those who support pro-life when it comes to abortion- cannot be feminists.

That’s all wrong. That’s women vs women. Faith, gender, race, beliefs on reproduction should have nothing to do with feminism. Feminism is simply women empowerment and just because you don’t believe in someone’s opinion on reproduction doesn’t mean you cannot agree with them about empowering women socially, economically, and politically.

You don’t have to have hairy pits and be bra-less to be a feminist. It’s the ability to accept those who are, and those who choose to wear wonderbra’s and a face full of make up everyday. Accepting those women who choose to stay at home and take care of the kids. After all, feminism is about accepting diversity. There is no “one way” to be a feminist.

Do something about it. Feminism is more than just being aware of the movement, but actually doing something about it. For me, it’s this website. I created this space to share with everyone in the world my prism of experience as a woman in my articles, photography, short stories. All these things are personal to me but it’s my way of contributing. It’s my prism of experience. It doesn’t necessarily need to be recognized. You don’t have to have thousands of followers to make a difference.

Be aware of the misogyny around you. Not so that you can make a fuss about it, but to broaden you sense of awareness on what’s going on around you. Ever heard of the

Bechdel test?

It’s “a way of evaluating whether or not a film or other work of fiction portrays women in a way that is sexist or characterized by gender stereotyping. To pass the Bechdel test a work must feature at least two women, these women must talk to each other, and their conversation must concern something other than a man.”

How many movies on the top of your head pass this test? Meh.

All in all, if you’re a woman: strive for greatness. If you’re a man: support her. Don’t talk the talk and refuse to walk the walk.

Don’t claim you’re “doing big things” and are a part of the movement if you have a man as a safety net to catch you when you fall. Instead, slam face-first on the ground and get back the fuck up and try again. Because once you’re past all the hurdle; the reward will be much greater once you break through the glass ceiling. Enough with the “fuck men, their assholes” feminist bullshit.

You don’t need to be anti-man to be pro-woman. That’s never the way true feminism works.

Virginia Woolf would be disappointed in modern day feminism.

